• Rebuilding Lives. Restoring Hope.

    Succeeding Together Begins Here



In August 2024, SECOR celebrated a grand opening under new ownership and revealed a state-of-the art newly renovated facility. Nestled in the foothills of Southwest Virginia, SECOR provides residents with a tranquil environment to better adjust and become acclimated to society post incarceration. SECOR is defined as a Community Residential Reentry Program for probationers and parolees who have obtained referral by the Virginia Department of Corrections.

During an approved resident’s stay, they will be provided with comfortable bedding, have access to laundry machines and meal services will be provided on a daily basis. Along with these life conveniences, SECOR also provides mental health and educational services you will find listed below. SECOR remains proud of their positive working relationship with all community service boards that help make these health and educational services a reality to all residents.

During their 90 days at SECOR, residents will be drug tested at random a minimum of three times a month. SECOR will accept referrals for DOC probationers/parolees from the DOC (District or Institutional referrals); no outside referrals will be accepted.


  • Family Matters

    Assisting residents in securing living arrangements upon program completion.

    Certified Parenting Courses

    Visitation with Family Members

  • Outdoor Spaces icon

    Anger Management & Substance Abuse


    Physical Exercise through Recreation

  • Custom Additions icon

    Life Planning

    Money Management

    Consumer Education

    GED Assistance

  • Green Building icon

    Employment Motivation

    Job Training

    Job Searches

    Interview Preparation



  • No. We are a community residential reentry program.

  • No.

  • No. Every resident must be refferred to SECOR by the Department of Corrections in their county of residence.

  • 90 days.

  • Yes. Each individual will be tested a minimum of 3 times a month for any drug use and handled accordingly per the DOC guidelines.

  • No. SECOR is a program that would begin AFTER incarceration. This will be a resident’s transition back into society.

Ready to Build Your Future?

Our team of motivated staff members are anxious to hear from you!

What Our Residents Say

  • “Before coming to SECOR my life had no meaning. I was just trying to survive day to day. I was a person with a drug addiction, and homeless living under a bridge with only a bicycle in my possession. After coming to SECOR, I am a different person all around. I now have a purpose to live for. I have completed so many goals while here. I started working, paid all my court fines, and got my drivers license back. I purchased a truck with a title in hand. I am leaving SECOR with a home plan, money in my pocket and a bright future ahead of me. I could not have done this without the help of everyone here at SECOR. My last words would be, ‘it can happen if you let them.’ “


  • "Success starts with proper planning, SECOR and you. Sometimes you must compromise with the people that are willing to help you in order to succeed. There are no handouts in life, but programs like SECOR will assist you, giving you a chance to re-build by providing the necessary tools to be a productive member of society. SECOR opens the door of opportunity through it’s programs and resources, but it is up to you to utilize it."


  • “On November 15, 2024 my life changed forever. When I got sent to SECOR I thought this would never work. But it changed, actually, it saved my life. With the help of the employees at SECOR I have been given my life back but most of all my life back with my son. SECOR allowed me to repair my relationship with my son by allowing weekly visitations. The one employee, John, had the biggest impact on me. Through our session and group, I not only earned certificates in anger management, parenting and substance abuse, I was able to learn to deal with my past. I am truly thankful for what SECOR has done for me!”
